Aarhus University Seal / Aarhus Universitets segl

PhD defence: Louise Sofia Madsen

Potentials for expanding rehabilitation to encompass urban green spaces and local communities – experiences and perceptions of people with disabilities and health professionals.

2021.10.08 | Graduate School of Health

Date Thu 28 Oct
Time 13:00 15:00
Location MarselisborgCentret, P.P. Ørums Gade 11, building 8, Aarhus C

On Thursday 28 October at 13.00, Louise Sofia Madsen defends her PhD dissertation entitled "Prospects and contributions of extending future rehabilitation practices to urban green spaces and community-based rehabilitation: Experiences and perceptions of people with disabilities and health professionals".

The result of the project show, that by expanding rehabilitation to encompass urban green spaces and local communities, then natural leraning opportunities emerges, which relates to a varied everyday life. Moreover, the results indicate that the varied outdoor experiences seem to empower people with disabilities to take on a more active role in their rehabilitation and provides them with experiences of being a natural part the local community. In these initiatives, the health professionals play a fundamental role. The result of the project demonstrate how the health professionals are in a dilemma, where structural regulations as well as demands of effectiveness and documentation often come to overshadow the natural learning opportunities and health promoting benefits from including urban green spaces and local communities. Lastly the result highligt the complexity related to expanding rehabilitation to these settings, but also the potentials for supporting persons on how to proceed with their daily life during and after rehabilitation.

The summary is written by the PhD student.  

The defence is public and takes place at MarselisborgCentret, P.P. Ørums Gade 11, building 8, Aarhus C. Please read full press release for more information. 


PhD student Louise Sofia Madsen

Mail: lmaden@rm.dk 

Phone: (+45) 61688074

Read press release

PhD defense, Public/Media, Health, Graduate School of Health, PhD students, Graduate School of Health, Academic staff, Department of Public Health