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PhD defence: Rikke Smedegaard Rosbjerg

Return to work in employees undergoing chemotherapy for cancer - the role of physical activity and self-efficacy.

2020.02.12 | Health Kommunikation

Date Mon 24 Feb
Time 13:00 16:00
Location MarselisborgCentret, Fællesfaciliteterne, P.P. Ørums Gade 11, building 8, Aarhus C

Monday the 24th of February at 13.00 Rikke Smedegaard Rosbjerg defends her PhD-dissertation entitled: “Return to work in employees undergoing chemotherapy for cancer - the role of physical activity and self-efficacy.”

The defence is public and takes place in MarselisborgCentret, Fællesfaciliteterne, P.P. Ørums Gade 11, building 8, Aarhus C.


PhD student Rikke Smedegaard Rosbjerg
Mail: Rikke.Rosbjerg@stab.rm.dk
Tel.: (+45) 6091 4949

Read full press release

PhD defense, Health and disease, Public/Media, Health, Health, PhD students, Graduate School of Health, Technical / administrative staff, Department of Public Health, Academic staff