Autopsy in unresolved deaths and accuracy of mortality statistics; analysis of cause of death investigation in Finland and in Denmark
2015.02.19 | Mads Henning Jensen
Date | Fri 27 Feb |
Time | 14:00 — 15:00 |
Location | Moesgaard Museum auditorium, Moesgård Alle 15, 8270 Højbjerg, Aarhus. |
On Friday Febuary 27th at 1pm, Seija Ylijoki-Sørensen will defend her PhD thesis entitled: Autopsy in unresolved deaths and accuracy of mortality statistics; analysis of cause of death investigation in Finland and in Denmark.
The defence will take place at Moesgaard Museum auditorium, Moesgård Alle 15, 8270 Højbjerg, Aarhus.