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PhD defence: Vibeke Lynggard

LC-REHAB: Effect of the patient education Learning and Coping Strategies in cardiac REHABilitation - a randomised controlled trial

2018.04.05 | Health Kommunikation

Date Thu 12 Apr
Time 14:00 16:00
Location Regional Hospital Herning, Auditoriet, Indgang N1, kælderen, Gammel Landevej 61, 7400 Herning.

PhD student Vibeke Lynggard

Thursday the 12th of April at 14.00 Vibeke Lynggard defends her PhD-dissertation entitled: "LC-REHAB: Effect of the patient education Learning and Coping Strategies in cardiac REHABilitation - a randomised controlled trial". 

The defence is public and takes place at Regional Hospital Herning, Auditoriet, Indgang N1, kælderen, Gammel Landevej 61, 7400 Herning. 

Further information

PhD student Vibeke Lynggard 
E-mail: viblyn@rm.dk 
Tel. 25485645 

Read full press release

PhD defense, Public/Media, Department of Clinical Medicine, Health, PhD students, Graduate School of Health, Academic staff, Health