Plastic surgical reconstructive procedures after treatment for breast cancer: Studies on outcome and quality of life after autologous fat grafting and breast reconstruction
2016.10.10 |
Date | Fri 28 Oct |
Time | 14:00 — 16:00 |
Location | Palle Juul-Jensen auditorium, Building 10G, Aarhus University Hospital, Nørrebrogade 44, 8000 Aarhus C |
Friday the 28th of October 2016, at 14.00 pm Alexander Juhl Andersen will defend his PhD dissertation entitled: "Plastic surgical reconstructive procedures after treatment for breast cancer: Studies on outcome and quality of life after autologous fat grafting and breast reconstruction".
The defense is public and takes place at Palle Juul-Jensen auditorium, Building 10G, Aarhus University Hospital, Nørrebrogade 44, 8000 Aarhus C.
Further information: Alexander Juhl Andersen. Tlf. 21 40 99 48,
Read full press release (Danish)