Aarhus University Seal / Aarhus Universitets segl

PhD defense: Lau Møller Andersen

Spatio-temporal localization and task specificity in the search for neural correlates of perceptual consciousness

2016.01.04 | Anders Esager

Date Mon 11 Jan
Time 13:30 15:30
Location DNC-auditoriet , Nørrebrogade 44, building 10G, Aarhus University Hospital, 8000 Aarhus C

Monday the 11th of January 2016, at 13.30 pm Lau Møller Andersen will defend his PhD dissertation entitled: "Spatio-temporal localization and task specificity in the search for neural correlates of perceptual consciousness".

The defense is public and takes place at DNC-auditoriet , Nørrebrogade 44, building 10G, Aarhus University Hospital, 8000 Aarhus C.

Further information: Lau Møller Andersen,  phone:  40 42 75 64, email: lmandersen@cfin.au.dk.

Read full press release (Danish)

PhD defense, Academic staff, Department of Clinical Medicine, Health, Technical / administrative staff, Public/Media, PhD students