VLDL and VLDL subclass kinetics: Effects of hyperglycemia, type 2 diabetes and diet.
2015.09.23 | Anders Esager
Date | Fri 02 Oct |
Time | 14:00 — 16:00 |
Location | Merete Barker-Auditoriet (the Lakeside Lecture Theatres), Aarhus University, 8000 Aarhus C. |
Friday the 2nd of October 2015, at 14.00 pm Rakel Fuglsang Johansen will defend her PhD dissertation entitled: "VLDL and VLDL subclass kinetics: Effects of hyperglycemia, type 2 diabetes and diet".
The defense is public and takes place at Merete Barker-Auditoriet (the Lakeside Lecture Theatres), Aarhus University, 8000 Aarhus C.
Further information: Rakel Fuglsang Johansen, Tlf. 40530612, rfjohansen@clin.au.dk
Read full press release (Danish)