Aarhus University Seal / Aarhus Universitets segl

Cleaning at Health to be scaled down during the summer period

Due to the holidays, HE Estates Facilities -Cleaning will operate with reduced staffing during July and August. This means that focus will be on cleaning toilets and kitchens and emptying rubbish.

2016.06.23 | Sabina Bjerre Hansen

[Translate to English:] I sommerferien begrænses rengøringen på Health til det mest nødvendige.

[Translate to English:] I sommerferien begrænses rengøringen på Health til det mest nødvendige.

The cleaning staff at Health take their holiday in July and August. There is therefore a limited level of staffing during this period.

If you or your colleagues are holding a summer school, seminar or similar, then HE Estates Facilities - Cleaning would like to be informed, so that they can ensure that the relevant areas are cleaned according to the usual standard.

Further information

Cleaning Manager Bente Levisen
Aarhus University, HE Estates Facilities - Cleaning
Mobile: (+45) 2899 2103



Administrative, Research year student, Department of Public Health, Health, PhD students, Technical / administrative staff, Academic staff