Aarhus University Seal / Aarhus Universitets segl

Researcher with unique specialised field is appointed professor

Peter Jepsen from Aarhus University and Aarhus University Hospital is a new professor of hepato-epidemiology, a research field in which he is the only professor in Denmark.

2021.03.22 | Sabina Bjerre Hansen

Newly-appointed Professor Peter Jepsen from the Department of Clinical Medicine focuses on alcohol-related liver disease and cancers which begin in the liver. Photo: Mimosa Foto.

Newly-appointed Professor Peter Jepsen from the Department of Clinical Medicine focuses on alcohol-related liver disease and cancers which begin in the liver. Photo: Mimosa Foto.

Do children of patients with alcohol-related liver disease have an increased risk of suffering the disease? This is one of the questions that new professor Peter Jepsen will attempt to answer.

He utilises epidemiological methods and Danish register data to study liver diseases and their incidence to identify people with a particularly high or low risk of developing the disease. He also studies the pathways for the patients who develop liver disease, while also developing methods for predicting the course of their disease.

Peter Jepsen took up the professorship in hepato-epidemiology – which is co-financed by the Novo Nordisk Foundation and the Health Science Research Foundation, Central Denmark Region – on 1 March 2021.


Professor and Consultant Peter Jepsen
Aarhus University, Department of Clinical Medicine and
Aarhus University Hospital, Department of Hepatology and Gastroenterology
Mobile: (+45) 24 25 29 44
Email: pj@clin.au.dk

People news, Research, Public/Media, External target group, Health, Health and disease, PhD students, Department of Clinical Medicine, Technical / administrative staff, Health