On July 6th, Robert Mann convincingly defended his PhD thesis in the Aula at Maastricht University, the Netherlands.
2015.07.06 |
RUNSAFE sincerely congratualates Robert with the highest academic title.
The thesis entitled "A NEW APPROACH TO RUNNING STYLE ANALYSIS USING A PRESSURE-SENSITIVE INSOLE DEVICE: A SMALL STEP TOWARDS INJURY PREVENTION" included outstanding articles, many of which already have been published in high-ranking international journals.
Rasmus was a member of the degree commitee:
Rasmus O. Nielsen from RUNSAFE was a member of the degree committee, which also included Dr. Hartgens and Prof. R. de Bie from Maastricht University, Prof. J-B. Morin from University of Nice, Dr. Evert Verhagen from Amsterdam, and Prof. Prinzen. During the defence, Robert was asked questions relating to causality, which is one of the major research directions in RUNSAFE. It was, indeed, an enjoyable, important and valuable discussion in many ways.
Supervisors: Robert Mann was, amongst others, supervised by Prof. Daniel Theisen and Post Doc. Laurent Malisoux, who are our Luxembourgish collaborators.