Aarhus University Seal / Aarhus Universitets segl

Understanding high blood pressure

A researcher from AU has received a scholarship for research in to understanding how the interaction between neural pathways from the brain and the small blood vessels is altered by high blood pressure.

2016.11.10 | Helle Horskjær

[Translate to English:] Professor Christian Aalkjær. Foto: AU Foto.

[Translate to English:] Professor Christian Aalkjær. Foto: AU Foto.

Almost one million Danes have high blood pressure, and a third of them remain unaware of the fact. On a global scale, it is the disease that leads to the greatest number of deaths.

Christian Aalkjær carries out research into high blood pressure, more specifically how the body's small blood vessels are altered and contribute to high blood pressure in patients. 

Christian Aalkjær receives The Justice of the Supreme Court Kaj Bunch-Jensen and Allis Bunch-Jensen Scholarship. The scholarship includes a cash prize of DKK 125,000.

"My research focuses on how ions move across cell membranes, and I study how the interaction between neural pathways and the small blood vessels is altered when the patient has high blood pressure," he says.

The scholarship will be presented on 2 November 2016 at The Biomedical Department, Aarhus University. 

Further information

Professor Christian Aalkjær
Aarhus University, Department of Biomedicine
Tel.: (+45) 8716 9526
Email: ca@biomed.au.dk 

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