Aarhus University Seal / Aarhus Universitets segl

Apply for funding to establish interdisciplinary networks

Researchers at AU can now apply for funding to establish innovative interdisciplinary research networks at the university. The deadline for application is 8 June 2015 at noon.

2015.04.21 | Mette Helm

If you have an idea for a strong, interdisciplinary research collaboration with colleagues from at least one of AU’s other faculties, you can now apply for funding to establish an interdisciplinary network. Photo: Colourbox.

As part of AU’s efforts to promote interdisciplinary research collaborations, the university has set aside DKK 4 million for the funding of innovative interdisciplinary research networks in 2015 and 2016. In this round of applications, researchers can apply for a maximum of DKK 150,000 for 2015 and DKK 250,000 for 2016.

The networks will act as platforms for interdisciplinary projects and activities. They must involve at least two faculties and have a clear potential to attract external funding for high-quality research into the area in question.

The deadline for submitting applications is Monday, 8 June at 12.00. Applications will be processed by the Committee for Research and External Cooperation on Thursday, 25 June. All applicants will be informed about the grants mid-July and the networks will be able to commence their work on 1 August 2015.

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Policy and strategy, Academic staff, All AU units, AU Research Support and External Relations, Administrative, PhD students