Aarhus University Seal / Aarhus Universitets segl

Apply for funding for competency development

All employees at Aarhus University can apply for funding for specific competency development activities. The next application deadline for the competency fund (Kompetencefonden) is 15 December 2015.

2015.10.21 | Signe Opstrup

In connection with the collective bargaining process, Aarhus University receives funding from the competence fund to support individual competency development.

The fund is intended to encourage employees and managers to prioritise competency development in order to meet AU’s needs as well as promoting employees’ individual and professional development. 

An allocation committee appointed by the Main Liaison Committee is  allocates and prioritises of funding from the competence fund during the annual round of applications.

Further information
Read more about application deadlines, criteria and procedures


Administrative, All groups, All AU units, Aarhus University, Administrative