Aarhus University Seal / Aarhus Universitets segl

Stereology and the Brain

On the occasion of Mark West's withdrawl from the Department of Biomedicine, he will hold a lecture: "Stereology and the Brain"

2015.11.05 | Henriette Blæsild Vuust

Date Wed 11 Nov
Time 13:00 16:00
Location Lille Anatomisk Auditorium, building 1231, 4th floor


The lecture "Stereology and the Brain" will take place at 13:00 in the Small Anatomy Auditorium in building 1231, 4th floor, Wednesday 11 November 2015.

After the lecture there will be a reception in building 1233, 2nd floor.


In Danish:

Professor Mark West vil holde en fratrædelsesforelæsning med titlen "Stereology and the Brain" den 11. november, klokken 13:00 i auditoriet på 4. sal i Bygning 1231 (Lille Anatomisk Auditorium).

Efter forelæsningen vil der være en reception i bygning 1233, 2. sal.


Nature and technology, Alumni, Health, Health, Health and disease, Research year student, Science and Technology, Science and Technology, Public/Media, PhD students