Aarhus University Seal / Aarhus Universitets segl

Support for 10 new interdisciplinary research networks

To strengthen cooperation across departments and faculties, before the summer holidays,the former Research Committee published an invitation to apply for funding for new or existing interdisciplinary research networks.

2014.09.30 | Signe Schou

Applicants were invited to apply for up to DKK 200,000 annually over a three-year period. Fifty-six excellent applicants were submitted by academic staff at Aarhus University. The network funding applications were evaluated by the Committee for Research and External Cooperation (consisting of the vice-deans for research, talent development and knowledge exchange), and at its most recent meeting, the committee decided to allocate funds for the establishment of a total of ten networks.  The networks will support research in a variety of fields, including food, telemedicine, energy and drinking water.

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The terms of reference for the two new core activity committees which are to replace the four former core activity committees will be discussed by the senior management team on 8 October. The working titles for the new committees are the Committee for Research and External Collaboration and the Committee for Education and Career. When the terms of reference have been decided, they will be published along with additional information about the committees’ work and schedules.

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