Aarhus University Seal / Aarhus Universitets segl

The 2014/15 profile brochure is now available

The 2014/15 Aarhus University profile brochure is out now.

2014.09.18 | AU Kommunikation

In this year’s profile brochure, you can explore AU’s diverse activities in the realms of research, education, talent development and knowledge exchange.

For example, you can learn more about Berit Eika, the new pro-rector for education, who explains why it’s important to put education on the agenda; about Peter Teglberg, a professor of bioscience who took his students along when he examined two beached sperm whales on the west coast of Jutland; or about economics PhD student Christina Scherrer from Brazil, who explains why she chose to study in Aarhus instead of London.

You can read the profile brochure online here: www.au.dk/om/profil/profilbrochure/profil1415/

You can also order a print version by writing to kommunikation@au.dk The print version contains a wide range of facts and figures about AU’s students, publications, employees and more. 


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