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The Academic Council leaves its fingerprint on academic skills at Health

Internal distribution of funds, recommendation of candidates for PhDs and higher doctoral degrees, statements on key strategic research questions and educational issues and plans for knowledge exchange. These are some of the topics on the agenda when the members of the Academic Council meet about every second month.

2013.09.25 | Sabina Bjerre Hansen

Medical student Søren Lomholt, the most recent member of the Academic Council at Health.

Medical student Søren Lomholt, the most recent member of the Academic Council at Health.

The academic advancement of the main academic area is the focal point when the members of the Academic Council meet. The topics are many and diverse. And so are its members. One of the members is medical student Søren Lomholt.

Commitment and co-determination go hand in hand

Søren Lomholt initially heard about the Academic Council in the Medicine Students’ Council. He subsequently ran for a student seat on the Academic Council and was elected in May 2013.

"I’m very pleased that my fellow students elected me a student representative on the Academic Council. It is a privilege to participate where the important decisions are made. And I gain insight into the exciting worlds of both the academic and technical/administrative staff. I listen to and learn from the other members of the Academic Council, and I also contribute by voicing the student’s point of view,” Søren Lomholt says. 

Søren Lomholt goes on to explain that a host of interesting things are happening at Health right now. The reform of the degree programme structure at Medicine and quality assurance of the study programmes, just to mention a few. And at AU there is the institutional accreditation and the agenda for innovation which has been set by the politicians. All of these topics are being discussed in the Academic Council and will influence the students and their everyday life at AU at some point.

And that is the very reason why he finds that the work of the Academic Council is so important.

Influencing the development of the main academic area

"I wish to leave a clear fingerprint and to ensure that the Council’s recommendations to the Dean and others take into account the experience and opinions of students on teaching quality, honours courses and pre-graduate research, etc. This is, indeed, my unique opportunity to influence the development of the main academic area on behalf of my fellow students. And that’s an opportunity I’m definitely going to seize," says Søren Lomholt. 

According to Søren Lomholt, the work of the Academic Council is interesting and at times rather demanding. Many of the issues discussed in the Academic Council require that you have thoroughly studied a comprehensive body of material.

“The work in the Academic Council has definitely fulfilled my expectations. I find that people listen to and respect me, and that my opinion counts as much as those of the other members. Having said that, I willingly admit that I’m glad to have gained some experience so that I may contribute more extensively to the discussions,” Søren Lomholt concludes. 


What is the Academic Council?

The Academic Council is an advisory body which prepares statements and recommendations to the Dean and the Rector. The Council members are either employees or students at Health. The Council includes men and women of all ages.


The members of the Academic Council have four tasks:

1. to make statements to the Dean on the internal distribution of grants,

2. to make statements on key strategic research questions and educational issues and plans for knowledge exchange,

3. to make recommendations to the Rector on the composition of academic committees that assess applicants for academic positions and

4. to approve recommendations concerning the conferral of PhD and higher doctoral degrees.

Furthermore, the Academic Council may voice its opinion about all academic issues of significance to the activities of the University, and it has a duty to discuss academic matters presented to it by the Dean or the Rector.


The Academic Council comprises representatives of the academic staff, including PhD students and student representatives. The members of the Council are elected by and from the academic staff, PhD students and the student body.

Read more

On Health’s website, you can find a list of the members of the Academic Council (Danish), read more about the Council’s work (Danish), download the order of business for the Academic Council (pdf, Danish) and read the Council’s meeting minutes (Danish).


Health, Technical / administrative staff, Health, Administrative, Academic staff