Aarhus University Seal / Aarhus Universitets segl

Top Geek Senior Edu-IT workshop: PowerPoint

2017.09.11 | Health Kommunikation

Date Sat 25 Nov
Time 08:15 12:00
Location Victor Albeck Bygningen, lokale 122 Lille IT-Lab

Participants: Senior employees

Purpose: Better presentation using PowerPoint: Sometimes you know it could be done in a smarter way, but you just can’t find the time to figure it out. Maybe a small time investment in this workshop could make you a better presenter in the future?

Content: Making, delivering and distribution of PowerPoint

  • Less is more
  • A better slide
  • Basic rhetoric
  • The role of the presenter
  • Saving, storage and distribution of PowerPoint

Preparation: https://padlet.com/Mads/PP17 read and consider the points. Question: what makes a great ending for a presentation?

Language: The course will be held in English if requested by the participants. Otherwise in Danish.

Number of participants: 16

Duration: 4 hours

Time: Saturday, November 25 at 8:15 - 12:00. Register here no later than November 12

Event, PhD students, Health, Health, Technical / administrative staff, Academic staff