Aarhus University Seal / Aarhus Universitets segl

Uninstall Quicktime from your Windows PC

All AU staff and students, who have Windows computers with the free software Quicktime installed, are encouraged to uninstall this software as quickly as possible for security reasons. Please contact IT support if you need help.

2016.05.18 | Malene Hjulmand Bundgaard

Management encourages all to uninstall Quicktime.

Serious security issues have been discovered in Apple’s Quicktime for Windows, and the issues are estimated to be so serious that Danish and international experts recommend to uninstall the software as soon as possible.

AU IT has automatically uninstalled Quicktime on several of AU’s Windows computers. However, AU IT is not able to control all Windows computers and therefore, the management now encourages all AU staff and students, who have Windows computers with Quicktime installed, to uninstall the software immediately. If you need help to uninstall Quicktime, please contact your local IT support. Find contact information here  www.au.dk/en/it.

For videos, AU IT recommends that you use Windows’ own software Mediaplayer.

In addition, AU IT has been able to ‘blacklist’ Quicktime in the university’s antivirus software which means that the software cannot be used on the computer.

Unwanted consequences by removing Quicktime

Uninstalling Quicktime may have unwanted consequences if other types of software depend on Quicktime. If you experience problems after removing Quicktime, please contact your local IT support. Find contact information here www.au.dk/en/it.


Administrative, All groups, All AU units, Administrative, Aarhus University