Aarhus University Seal / Aarhus Universitets segl

More people ought to survive blood clots in the heart and cardiac arrest

Christian Juhl Terkelsen is consultant, DMSc and newly-appointed professor at Aarhus University and Aarhus University Hospital. His cardiology research aims to improve patients’ chances of surviving a blood clot in the heart and cardiac arrest.

2020.03.04 | Sabina Bjerre Hansen

Christian Juhl Terkelsen

Christian Juhl Terkelsen’s new professorship provides him with better opportunities for prioritising his research into heart diseases. Photo: Private.

Over the past two decades, researchers have optimised the treatment of patients who suffer a blood clot in the heart. Nonetheless, according to new professor Christian Juhl Terkelsen, it is still possible to improve the diagnosis and treatment of small blood clots in the heart and cardiac arrest.

The research that he and his colleagues have carried out has thus far resulted in patients with a large blood clot in the heart already being routinely diagnosed in the ambulance and referred directly to a cardiac centre for an angioplasty. Faster treatment means better survival.

The newly-appointed professor and his research team now hope to be able to optimise the diagnosis and treatment of patients with a smaller blood clot in the heart, while also working towards ensuring that patients who suffer a cardiac arrest receive the same offer of advanced treatment regardless of where they live in Denmark.

The professorship is financed by the Danish Heart Foundation.


Professor, Consultant, DMSc Christian Juhl Terkelsen
Aarhus University, Department of Clinical Medicine and
Aarhus University Hospital, Department of Cardiology
Mobile: (+45) 24 28 85 71
Email: christian.juhl.terkelsen@clin.au.dk

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