Aarhus University Seal / Aarhus Universitets segl

Inspiration Day for municipalities and researchers at Aarhus University

A conference in which researchers and employees in municipalities/regions can present current challenges and arrive at a common description of the problem, which it would be useful to work together on in the future.

2021.06.22 | Health Kommunikation

Date Thu 19 Aug
Time 09:00 16:00

The conference deals with interventions and research questions in practice. With the conference, Aarhus University wishes to test and find new forms of collaboration between researchers from AU and local authorities. The conference will be held on Thursday 19 August from 9.00-16.00.

The conference is divided into three parallel sessions:

  • Equality and inequality in health
  • Technology, distance and proximity in health
  • Health, understanding of disease, the significance of art and creativity

You can read the full programme here (in Danish). The event is free for employees at AU, otherwise it costs DKK 250 per person. If you think it sounds like something for you, or some you know, you can register for the conference here (in Danish).

Event, Technical / administrative staff, Health, Health, Academic staff, Department of Public Health