Aarhus University Seal / Aarhus Universitets segl

New study shows coherence between waiting time and survival of cancer patients

It may seem logical that waiting time in cancer treatment is related to the patient's ability to survive the disease. However, studies have previously shown that there is no correlation. A new study from CaP now concludes that waiting times in cancer treatments worsen the prognosis.

2017.10.09 | Marlene Lauridsen

Photo: Marie Louise Tørring

The results from the new study show that longer diagnostic waiting time is associated with a more severe cancer stage. In addition,  the study cannot define a specific 'safe' waiting time as the length of the time from the frist presentation of symptom to treatment appearts to have a negative impact from day 1.

Read the article on PubMed.

If you would like to know more then contact Marie Louise Tørring.

Research, Health and disease, Public/Media, CAP, CAP