Helminths modify immune responses via modulation of host-derived extracellular vesicles
2021.09.20 |
Date | Fri 01 Oct |
Time | 09:00 — 11:00 |
Location | School of Dentistry, building 1613, room 135, Vennelyst Boulevard 9, 8000 Aarhus C |
On Friday 1 October at 09.00, Amin Zakeri defends his PhD dissertation entitled "Helminths modify immune responses via modulation of host-derived extracellular vesicles".
Inflammation is a process in which our immune system responds to harmful agents, like infections, injuries, and toxins. After an appropriate immune response, the insult is successfully cleared. However, the immune system may also erroneously attack the body´s own healthy cells and thereby causing inflammation, a condition which is rapidly increasing in recent decades. There is, therefore, an urgent need to identify novel ways to control inflammation in these patients. Parasitic worms (helminths) are strong regulator of our immune system and can reduce inflammation in various ways. It has recently been shown that immune cells communicate with each other by releasing tiny particles known as extracellular vesicle (EVs) that transfer small molecules and deliver messages to recipient cells. In this PhD project, it was shown that helminths could stimulate immune cells to release EVs to reduce inflammatory responses in other immune cells. This new knowledge opens up for a new understanding on how immune cells communicate with each other, and it is the hope that it will pave the way for new therapeutic approaches for patients with inflammatory conditions in the future.
The summary is written by the PhD student.
The defence is public and takes place at Aarhus University, School of Dentistry, building 1613, room 135, Vennelyst Boulevard 9, 8000 Aarhus C. Please read the attached press release for more information.
PhD student Amin Zakeri
Mail: Amin.Zakeri@clin.au.dk
Phone: (+45) 50234774