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Virtual PhD defence: Christian Østergaard Mariager

Hyperpolarized 13C-magnetic resonance for assessment of organ transplant graft viability

2020.12.02 | Graduate School of Health

Date Fri 11 Dec
Time 11:00 13:00
Location Online via Zoom

Friday 11 December at 11:00, Christian Østergaard Mariager defends his PhD dissertation entitled "Hyperpolarized 13C-magnetic resonance for assessment of organ transplant graft viability".

The worldwide number of patients awaiting organ transplantation is increasing, directly leading to a shortage of donor organs. Normothermic perfusion is a possible strategy to meet increased demand and improve outcome after transplantation. However, highly sensitive organ viability assessment strategies, such as hyperpolarized and functional magnetic resonance imaging, are needed to support this continued effort.

The summary is written by the PhD student.    

The defence is public and will be held online via Zoom (https://aarhusuniversity.zoom.us/s/69188147614)


PhD student Christian Østergaard Mariager 

Mail: cm@clin.au.dk  

Phone: (+45) 22312531 

Read full press release

PhD defense, Public/Media, Health, Graduate School of Health, PhD students, Department of Clinical Medicine, Academic staff, Graduate School of Health