Subarachnoid hemorrhage in Denmark: Risk and prognosis
2017.10.02 | Health Kommunikation
Date | Thu 12 Oct |
Time | 14:00 — 16:00 |
Location | Regionshospitalet Hammel Neurocenter, Voldbyvej 15, 8450 Hammel |
Thursday the 12th of October at 14:00 Henriette Holm Stabel defends her PhD-dissertation entitled: “Subarachnoid hemorrhage in Denmark: Risk and prognosis”.
The defence is public and takes place at Regionshospitalet Hammel Neurocenter, Voldbyvej 15, 8450 Hammel.
Further information:
PhD student Henriette Holm Stabel
Tel.: 78 41 90 41