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PhD defence: Jan Lykke Scheel Thomsen

Residual Symptoms and Deficits in Myasthenia Gravis. - Outcome, Muscle Strength, and Fatigue

2022.01.31 | Graduate School of Health

Date Fri 11 Feb
Time 14:00 16:00
Location Auditorium J116-113, entrance J, Aarhus University Hospital and online

On Friday 11 February at 14.00, Jan Lykke Scheel Thomsen defends his PhD dissertatio entitled "Residual Symptoms and Deficits in Myasthenia Gravis"

.Patients with myasthenia gravis suffer from muscle weakness impairing vision, speech, swalloing, breathing and/or limb functioning. Some symptoms and deficits may persist despite treatment with any of the available therapeutics. Characterizing the nature of these residual symptoms and deficits may aid future development of effective and targeted therapies.

In this dissertation, residual symptoms and deficits were investigated with emphasis on clinical outcomes, muscle strength and fatigue. Clinical outcomes, muscle strength, muscle fatigability and fatigue were examined during standard, medical therapy and related to several patient characteristics. 

The summary is written by the PhD student.

The defence is public and takes place in Auditorium J116-113, entrance J, Aarhus University Hospital, Palle Juul-Jensens Boulevard 165, 8200 Aarhus N and online. Please see attached press release for more information.


PhD student Jan Lykke Scheel Thomsen

Mail: jathms@rm.dk 

Phone: +45 40 57 75 33

Read full press release  

PhD defense, PhD students, Health, Graduate School of Health, Public/Media, Graduate School of Health, Academic staff, Department of Clinical Medicine