Aarhus University Seal / Aarhus Universitets segl

PhD defence: Maj Ulrichsen

Sortilins in peripheral nerve regeneration.

2020.01.15 | Health Kommunikation

Date Fri 31 Jan
Time 13:00 15:00
Location The Physiological Auditorium, (Building 1162, room 013), Ole Worms Allé 4, 8000 Aarhus

Friday the 31st of January at 10.00 Maj Ulrichsen defends her PhD-dissertation entitled: “Sortilins in peripheral nerve regeneration.”

The defence is public and takes place in the Physiological Auditorium, (Building 1162, room 013), Ole Worms Allé 4, 8000 Aarhus, Danmark.


PhD student Maj Ulrichsen
Mail: mulr@biomed.au.dk
Tel.: (+45) 2889 0022

Read full press release

PhD defense, Health and disease, Public/Media, Health, Health, PhD students, Graduate School of Health, Technical / administrative staff, Department of Biomedicine, Academic staff