Pulmonary gas exchange and blood gas tensions: New frontiers in imaging, diagnosis and treatment.
2017.11.30 | Health Kommunikation
Date | Fri 15 Dec |
Time | 13:00 — 15:00 |
Location | Palle Juul-Jensen Auditorium, Aarhus University Hospital, Nørrebrogade 44, building 10G, 8000 Aarhus C. |
Friday the 15th of december at 13.00 Troels Johansen defends his PhD-dissertation entitled: "Pulmonary gas exchange and blood gas tensions: New frontiers in imaging, diagnosis and treatment".
The defence is public and takes place in the Palle Juul-Jensen Auditorium, Aarhus University Hospital, Nørrebrogade 44, building 10G, 8000 Aarhus C.
Further information:
PhD student Troels Johansen
E-mail: troels.johansen@clin.au.dk
Tel.: +45 40 97 73 13