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Virtual PhD defence: Katrine Meyer Lauritsen

Metabolic effects of ketone bodies and SGLT2 inhibition

2021.05.26 | Graduate School of Health

Date Thu 27 May
Time 14:00 16:00
Location Online

On Thursday 27 May at 14:00, Katrine Meyer Lauritsen defends her PhD dissertation entitled "Metabolic effects of ketone bodies and SGLT2 inhibition".

Ketone bodies function as a substrate in times of carbohydrate depletion. They are a highly energy efficient substrate for oxidation due to a high ATP molecule generation compared to oxygen consumption. Therefore, hyperketonemia is of potential therapeutic interest. Hyperketonemia can amongst other be induced through ketone body infusions and SGLT2 inhibitor treatment, which is a rather new medical treatment against diabe- tes. SGLT2 inhibitor treatment protects against heart failure and cardiovascular death, which is possibly explained by the increase in ketone bodies. In the current thesis four studies investigating hyperketonemia are included.

The summary is written by the PhD student.   

The defence is public and takes place online. Please read the attached press release for more information.


PhD student Katrine Meyer Lauritsen

Mail: katrine.mj@clin.au.dk

Phone: (+45) 78462003

Read full press release

PhD defense, Public/Media, Graduate School of Health, Graduate School of Health, PhD students, Department of Clinical Medicine, Academic staff, Health