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VIDEO: Experience the atmosphere from the inauguration of the Skou Building

On Monday 8 October, the doors to the Skou Building were opened for the first time. Take a look inside the new biomedical research building and hear what Jens Christian Skou would have said about the ceremony.

2018.10.12 | Simon Byrial Fischel

Ellen-Margrethe Skou cuts the ribbon to the new Skou-bygning. Foto: Lars Kruse, Aarhus Universitet.

Jazz music, speeches and collegial small talk made the recently opened Skou Building hum with activity just a short time after the first guests stepped inside. The three hundred or so guests included Jens Christian Skou's immediate family. We caught up with the Nobel Prize Laureate’s daughter, Hanne Skou, for a comment about what her father would have said if he had been present on the day.


Read the article from the inauguration of the Skou Building.
Aarhus University has been celebrating the 100th anniversary of Jens Christian Skou's birth all week with a number of events.


Events, Administration (Academic), Public/Media, Health, Health, PhD students, Department of Biomedicine, Research year student, Technical / administrative staff, Academic staff