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VIDEO: PhD Day 2018

In keeping with tradition, the last Friday of January saw more than 600 PhD students from Health gathered for exciting presentations, keynote lectures and an evening party with exclusive awards.

2018.02.08 | Simon Byrial Fischel og Henriette Stevnhøj

The Lakeside Lecture Theatres were practically teeming with PhD students from the early hours of the day as PhD Day 2018 opened. The highly esteemed researchers, Professors Charles A. Dinarello and Joseph S. Alpert, arrived from the USA to deliver inspiring keynote lectures on the central theme of the day; “Believe in Science”. The event also featured the exciting finale of the annual Fogh-Nielsen Competition, abundant poster presentations and social time for researcher-colleagues.

Experience PhD Day 2018 in the video below:

Read more on the three finalist in the Fogh-Nielsen Competition

- and watch their short video presentations

Watch the video of this year’s best PhD supervisor, Per Kallestrup, who was awarded at PhD Day 2018

- and read the interview with professor Bent Deleuran and PhD-student Rasmus Pihl on this year’s theme; “Belive in Science”.



Events, Health and disease, Health, Health, Technical / administrative staff, Grants and awards, Administration (Academic), Academic staff, Talent development, PhD students