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Want some insight into the health innovation of the future?

In keeping with tradition, Health invites all those who are interested in medical innovation to its Medical Innovation Day, where the faculty brings students and researchers together with companies and foundations to create innovative healthcare solutions. The event is open to anyone with an interest in what is happening in the field.

2021.08.25 | Eva Kristina Hindby Koszyczarek

Sign up for this year's Medical Innovation Day and get insight into the health innovation of the future. Photo: Jann Zeiss, AU Health

Sign up for this year's Medical Innovation Day and get insight into the health innovation of the future. Photo: Jann Zeiss, AU Health

Health innovation is on the agenda at Health’s Medical Innovation Day on 15 October. This is where students, researchers, companies and foundations gather to test new ideas and discuss innovative solutions to the health challenges of the future.

If you want to take part and hear more, and not miss out on an obvious networking opportunity, then you should register for the event. Anyone with an interest in health innovation is welcome.

Register for the Medical Innovation Day here – no later than 1 October.

What to expect

You can look forward to a researcher battle as a number of researchers pitch their research ideas and their business potential in front of an expert panel consisting of investors, companies and partners. The panel challenges and qualifies the concept, process and business potential, and finally selects the best innovative idea of the day.

See an interview with PhD student Jacob Thyrsted Jensen who was a part of the winning team of the Challenge Track 2020:


In addition, the day features exciting presentations by Director of the Danish Life Science Cluster, Diana Arsovic Nielsen, and Associate Professor from the Department of Molecular Biology and Genetics, Magdalena Janina Laska.

How can we solve the health challenges of the future? Students and researchers will present their suggestions in the Challenge Track. They have worked on cases posed in advance by the pharmaceutical company Roche and the results will be presented on Friday afternoon – and you can help choose the winner of this year's Challenge Track. 

See the complete programme for the Medical Innovation Day 2021 on the Graduate School’s website.

Read more about the Medical Innovation Day.

Medical Innovation Day 2021
Time: 15 October: 8:00 – 16:30
Venue: The Conference Centre, Fredrik Nielsens Vej 4, 8000 Aarhus C
Participation is free of charge, but registration is required.

PhD, Associate Professor and Chair of the Organising Committee MID21 Kamille Smidt Rasmussen
Aarhus University, Department of Clinical Medicine
Email: kamille@clin.au.dk
Tel.: (+45) 9350 8407

Events, PhD students, Health, Health, Technical / administrative staff, Graduate School of Health, Academic staff, Department of Biomedicine, Department of Public Health, Department of Clinical Medicine