Aarhus University Seal / Aarhus Universitets segl

Virtual PhD defence: Majken Borup Thomsen

Imaging synaptic dysfunction in naive animals and in models of Parkinsin's disease.

2020.08.17 | Health Kommunikation

Date Thu 03 Sep
Time 15:00 17:00
Location Zoom

Thursday the 3rd of September at 15.00 Majken Borup Thomsen defends her PhD-dissertation entitled: “Imaging synaptic dysfunction in naive animals and in models of Parkinsin's disease.”

The defence is public and due to COVID-19, the defence will be held online via Zoom. Please read the attached press release to gain access to the defence.

PhD student Majken Borup Thomsen
Mail: majken.thomsen@biomed.au.dk  
Tel.: (+45) 4040 0855

Read full press release.

PhD defense, Public/Media, Health, Health, PhD students, Department of Clinical Medicine, Technical / administrative staff, Academic staff