Aarhus University Seal / Aarhus Universitets segl

Welcome to the new NeuroCampus Aarhus website

2015.03.19 | Henriette Blæsild Vuust

The NeuroCampus Aarhus website has moved to this location:

Read NEWS and EVENTS about the neuroscience field at Aarhus University and Aarhus University Hospital, follow NeuroCampus Aarhus on Facebook and keep updated on seminars, guest talks, NeuroCampus Social events, etc.

We hope the new website will give all students, researchers and other interested users an overview of the many activities within neuroscience in Aarhus and help build even stronger collaborations and exchange of knowledge.

As something new you can now follow NeuroCampus Aarhus on Facebook:
Please visit, share and like!


Questions and comments about the new website can be directed to:

Collaboration, Nature and technology, Research year student, Health, Health, Research, Health and disease, Future students, Science and Technology, Science and Technology