Aarhus University Seal / Aarhus Universitets segl

Newsletter 90 from November 2018

Dear all   Please find the latest news:

2018.11.30 | Thomas G. Jensen

Moving plans

The craftsmen are working hard to finish the last details in the Skou building and to adjust the various technical systems. As soon as they have finished, we will inform all of the date where the move will start.


News about academic positions

There were 92 applications to the professorship that was advertised widely in Biomedicine. Applications will now be assessed.


Skou - professorships

There is a new deadline for submission of suggestions for Honorary Skou Professorships: 4 March 2019. The aim is an equal gender distribution and so far, there are too few women among the nominees. The criteria have been revised slightly so that the candidate's home university must be in the top-100 in the QS ranking list - or equivalent. Eg graduates from the Rockefellor University can also be approved. For further information, please contact the undersigned.


Transfer of annuum 

In order to limit the transfers of grants in December, it is possible to transfer DKK 5000 of the annual budget from 2018 to 2019.


Research management courses at AU - application deadline 10/12


It is possible to apply to the Department for payment of the course.


Don’t forget your Pure data entry - and check that your profile is up-to-date

Deadline for entering scientific articles is 15 January. And at the same time please also check that your profile is up-to-date. The pure profiles are the funds’ and the external colleagues' first meeting with you when they Google your name - and thus your business card to the outside world. There is room for improvement for many of us.


Break-in in cars

Unfortunately, several colleagues have had their cars broken in to. We encourage you to keep valuables out of sight in your parked cars. 


Phasing out of fixed line phones

Due to lack of demand for the establishment of fixed line phones in the Skou building such will not be established in offices and laboratories in the Skou building. Instead of fixed line phones mobile phones may be purchased. In general, purchases of mobile phones are to be paid by the research groups. Please contact Morten Pless if you have any questions. Read more about the guidelines for mobile phones here: http://biomed.medarbejdere.au.dk/it-web-og-telefoni/telefoni-paa-biomedicin/retningslinjer-for-bevilling-af-internet-og-mobiltelefoni/


Viggo Nielsen retires

A farewell reception for the inspection manager Viggo Nielsen, who is retiring, will be held Tuesday 18 December at 14-16:00. Due to the planning of catering etc, registration for the reception is required https://events.au.dk/Viggosfratraedelsesreception

Viggo's retirement means that tasks in connection with procurement, labware cleaning and canteen will be taken over by Morten Pless, while tasks relating to craftsmen and buildings will be taken over by Conor Leerhøy.


Health Education Seminar

The Faculty invites to Education Seminar Thursday 13 December 2018. This year’s topics are; where do we meet our students during the first semesters, which teaching traditions have they been used to, and how do our educational structure, content and method affect their motivation and learning. Everyone is welcome, deadline for sign up is 4 December: https://events.au.dk/uddannelsesdag2018


New printers

In mid-December, new printers in the Skou building as well as in 1160, 1180 and 1233/1234 buildings will be installed. In order to use the new copiers, you must use your employee access card. In the future, printing takes place by printing to a common print server at the Department. You can then pick up your print by using the access card at any copier of your choice at the Department. There will be more information on how to use this printing solution sometime during December.


Do you have the right employee access card?

Most employees already have an access card with an integrated chip. In future, in order to have access to the Skou building and to use the copiers, it is a necessity. The employees who do not have a chip card will be contacted directly, so their cards can be replaced as quickly as possible.


Meeting with the Faculty's Advisory Board

As you know, we have been visited by the Advisory Board. They gave us the piece of advice that we in the management team must consider which signals we send when we speak a lot about what someone from the outside can bring in terms of quality, and less about the qualities we already have. We will continue to work on that in the department management team. Read also: http://biomed.medarbejdere.au.dk/#news-14431


Strategic use of LinkedIn 

I am not very active on LinkedIn. But I now have a profile (https://www.linkedin.com/in/thomas-g-jensen-00a5b110/) and an intention to be there more, because this is to a great extent  where recruitment and networking with researchers and foundations take place. If you are using LinkedIn you are welcome to tag me when you post something relevant to the Department so that it also will be shared through my LinkedIn. I will also tag you when I share good stories about the Department's research with the outside world. It is my ambition to become better at it.  


New Communication Partner 

The Department has changed our communication partner and says goodbye to Mette Louise Ohana, who now has other assignments at the faculty. In future, you are to contact Nanna Jespersgård on nj@au.dk or mobile 93 50 85 24. Nanna will help with the press coverage of published research that is of wider public interest. Be early when you approach Nanna and please ask me if you are in doubt.


AIAS-COFUND II Marie Curie fellowships

Application deadline is 23 January 2019. Read about AIAS and the fellowship programme and see the Guide for Applicants at:



More Information Helle Villekold: helle@aias.au.dk


Jens Christian Skou fellowships at Aarhus Institute of Advanced Studies, AIAS

Application deadline 1 February 2019. More information: www.aias.au.dk


Minutes from the LAMU meeting on 19/9




Minutes of the meeting of the academic council 20/9




Minutes from the LSU meeting on 3/10






Minutes from the FSU meeting on 22/10





Best regards


Thomas G. Jensen

Administrative, Administration (Academic), All groups, Department of Biomedicine, Department of Biomedicine