19.11.2014 | Offentligheden/Pressen
Kick-off workshop of the recently established AU Network of Public Mental Health The main idea of the network is to inspire interdisciplinary collaboration within this field and from 2015-17 we will funded by a grant from AU arrange more regular meetings and workshops with invited international speakers. Registration: The number of participants…
19.11.2014 | Ph.d.-studerende, Institut for Folkesundhed, Health
Kick-off workshop of the recently established AU Network of Public Mental Health.
19.11.2014 | Administrativt, Ph.d.-studerende, Institut for Klinisk Medicin
Nyhedsbrev fra Instituttet
18.11.2014 | Samarbejde, Alle grupper, Ekstern målgruppe
Læs seks forskellige case historier om teknologioverførsel fra Aarhus Universitet
18.11.2014 | Ph.d.-forsvar, Ph.d.-studerende, Institut for Biomedicin
Investigations of a potential function of placental megalin in ligand trafficking and the specific role of megalin and CD320 in placental vitamin B12 uptake - performed as parallel studies of tissue samples and cell-based experiments using trophoblast-like cell models.
18.11.2014 | Ph.d.-forsvar, Ph.d.-studerende, Institut for Klinisk Medicin
Improving Ion Computed Tomography.
18.11.2014 | Ph.d.-forsvar, Ph.d.-studerende, Institut for Folkesundhed
Ruminante transfedtsyrer og ændringer i kropsstrørrelse, -form og -sammensætning
18.11.2014 | Ph.d.-forsvar, Ph.d.-studerende, Institut for Folkesundhed
Identification of young children at high risk of adolescent and adult overweight.
18.11.2014 | Møde, Teknisk/administrativ medarbejder, Institut for Biomedicin
18.11.2014 | Møde, Videnskabelig medarbejder, Institut for Biomedicin