2015.01.05 | Administrative, Technical / administrative staff, All AU units
In his Christmas message to AU employees, Rector Brian Bech Nielsen takes stock of 2014 and looks forward to 2015.
2014.12.22 | Research, PhD students, Dept Clin Epi
A new research program is to improve the quality of health care through research. The program is called PROCRIN - Program for Clinical Research Infrastructure. It is financed by the Novo Nordisk Foundation and the Lundbeck Foundation, which have granted DKK 50 million for the program. Professor Henrik Toft Sørensen, head of Department of Clinical…
2014.12.19 | Administrative, All groups, Department of Biomedicine
Dear all Please find the last newsletter before Christmas. I will like to thank everybody for their effort in the last year. I hope you will get the opportunity to enjoy the vacation with family and friends, and I am looking forward to after the holidays again to meet you around in the department.
2014.12.19 | Administrative, Technical / administrative staff, Health
The Dean wishes all employees at Health a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year.
2014.12.19 | PhD defense, PhD students, Department of Public Health
Effect of access to fast CT scan in early diagnosis of lung cancer in general practice
2014.12.19 | Administrative, Technical / administrative staff, Department of Biomedicine
The high level of nuisance experienced in the surrounding buildings temporarily halted the construction work in mid-November. Work will now begin again on 5 January using a different solution that reduces the amount of noise and vibrations.
2014.12.19 | PhD defense, Health and disease, PhD students
Maternal lengthy anthropometry and cardiovascular health after birth
2014.12.16 | Seminar, Public/Media, External target group
Telescopic Earths: from the Iliad to the Pale Blue Dot.
2014.12.16 | Seminar, Public/Media, External target group
Single cell laser photodynamics: Lasers as tools to modulate cell physiology.
2014.12.16 | Seminar, Public/Media, External target group
Quantum Emulators - Simulating few- and many-body physics with Rydberg atoms.