Aarhus University Seal / Aarhus Universitets segl


Lecturer of the Year, professor in Medical physiology Ole Bækgaard Nielsen (to the right), together with Dean of Health, Allan Flyvbjerg.

2014.03.25 | People news, All groups, Health

Lecturer of the Year again, again, again

For the third time, the students have chosen Ole Bækgaard Nielsen as Lecturer of the Year at Health.

Admissions requirements at the universities are up for debate. Archive photo: Søren Kjeldgaard

2014.03.10 | Policy and strategy, Aarhus University, Administration (Academic)

Marks do not tell the whole story

Rector Brian Bech Nielsen and Dean Mette Thunø comment on the recent debate about the universities’ admission requirements.

2014.03.07 | Events, Graduate School of Health, Administration


The tax seminar takes place in Aarhus (March 12th - sign up by March 10th) and Copenhagen (April 7th - sign up by March 31st).

Clinical research from Aarhus University suggests that a newly developed type of filter can help people with nasal symptoms from seasonal hay fever.

2014.03.07 | Research, All groups, Department of Public Health

Danish nasal filter looks promising for allergy sufferers

Clinical research from Aarhus University suggests that a newly developed type of filter can help people with nasal symptoms from seasonal hay fever.

Associate Professor and PhD Lisbeth Uhrenfeldt from Aarhus University, Department of Public Health.

2014.03.13 | Aarhus University, People news, All groups

Lisbeth Uhrenfeldt new Associate Professor in Horsens

Registered nurse, senior researcher and PhD Lisbeth Uhrenfeldt has started work as associate professor in a joint position created by Aarhus University, the Regional Hospital Horsens and the Central Denmark Region.

2014.03.06 | Meeting, Technical / administrative staff, Department of Biomedicine


LSU-meeting planned to take place 20 October 2014

2014.03.06 | Meeting, Administration (Academic), Technical / administrative staff

SU Meeting

LSU meeting scheduled for 23.06.2014

2014.03.05 | Research, Public/Media, External target group

New Study sheds light on how social understanding is performd by the brain

A new study settles an important question about how social understanding is performed in the brain. The findings may help us to attain a better understanding of why people with autism and schizophrenia have difficulties with social interaction.

Grant recipient Michael Skovdal Rathleff from Aarhus University, Department of Clinical Medicine.

2014.03.11 | People news, All groups, Department of Clinical Medicine

Expert in knee pain receives millions

PhD student Michael Skovdal Rathleff works with children and adolescents who experience knee pain. He recently received a little more than DKK two million for his research from the Danish Council for Independent Research.

2014.03.05 | Public/Media, External target group, Aarhus University

Between Universality and Specificity

Ulrik Becker Nissen, cand.theol., PhD will be defending his higher doctoral dissertation: "A study of Christian Social Ethics with Particular Emphasis on Dietrich Bonhoeffer's Ethics".

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