Aarhus University Seal / Aarhus Universitets segl


Claus Højbjerg Gravholt has been appointed professor at Aarhus University and Aarhus University Hospital

2015.02.17 | People news, Public/Media, Department of Clinical Medicine

New professor in genetic hormone-related diseases

Claus Højbjerg Gravholt has been appointed professor at AU and AUH. He will use the professorship to get closer to an understanding of why chromosome disorders such as Turner syndrome and Klinefelter syndrome arise.

Helle Prætorius has been appointed as a new professor at the Department of Biomedicine at Aarhus University

2015.02.17 | People news, PhD students, Department of Biomedicine

Aarhus University has a new professor of medical physiology

Helle Prætorius has been appointed as a new professor at the Department of Biomedicine at Aarhus University. At the department she will continue her research into membrane transport and cell signalling. In the long term, this research will help improve the prognosis for patients suffering from serious renal inflammations and bacterial blood…

2015.02.03 | PhD defense, Health and disease, Technical / administrative staff

Ph.d Defence: Rozh Al-Mashhadi

Characterization of the Transgenic D374Y-PCSK9+ Minipig and Demonstration of its Utility in Translational Atherosclerosis Research

2015.02.03 | PhD defense, Health and disease, Academic staff

Defence of doctoral thesis: Morten Ølgaard Jegstrup Jensen

Biomechanical Aspects of Mitral Valve Function and Repair

2015.02.03 | Research, All groups, Runsafe

New Article Published in JOSPT

Daniel Ramskov, Christian Barton, Rasmus Nielsen and Sten Rasmussen have published a new article entitled "High Eccentric Hip Abduction Strength Reduces the Risk of Developing Patellofemoral Pain Among Novice Runners Initiating a Self-Structured Running Program: A 1-Year Observational Study."

2015.02.02 | Events, PhD students, Graduate School of Health

GRASPH summer school 2015

This years GRASPH summer school is held on May 26-27 2015 at Comwell Klarskovgaard, Korsør. Registration is now open.

Henrik Jensen hopes to ensure that patients with mitral valve leakage will receive better treatment in future.

2015.02.09 | People news, Health and disease, Academic staff

AU has a new Doctor of Medical Science in heart surgery

37-year-old Henrik Jensen has just defended his doctoral dissertation in heart surgery in which he has examined how it is possible to secure better treatment for patients suffering from leakages of the heart valve.

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