2015.02.26 | Seminar, Research, Technical / administrative staff
“Kidneys make sense” by Jens Leipziger
2015.02.26 | Meeting, Research, Technical / administrative staff
The next iSEQ lunch seminar is on Wednesday 4 March 2015 at 12.00 - 13.00. Title: Deciphering gene expression with genomics: from transcriptional complexity to ribosome dynamics. Speaker: Vincent Pelechano, PhD, Staff Scientist. European Molecular Biology Laboratories. Venue: Jeppe Vontillius Auditory, The Lakeside Lecture…
2015.02.25 | Meeting, Administration (Academic), PhD students
2015.02.25 | Meeting, Research, Academic staff
2015.02.25 | Meeting, Research, Academic staff
2015.02.25 | Meeting, Administration (Academic), PhD students
2015.02.25 | Meeting, Administration (Academic), PhD students
2015.02.25 | Meeting, Administration (Academic), Academic staff
2015.02.25 | Meeting, PhD students, Department of Biomedicine
2015.02.25 | Health and disease, Academic staff, Department of Biomedicine
Simon Beggs from University of Toronto is visiting Health, Aarhus University on March 3