Aarhus University Seal / Aarhus Universitets segl


2015.06.29 | Mind, Research, Research year student


The Danish Council for Independent Research | Medical Sciences has awarded a DFF-Starting Grant of DKK 6.61 mio. to MIND Centre associated researcher Simon Glerup.

2015.06.29 | Neurocampus, Research, Research year student


The Danish Council for Independent Research | Medical Sciences has awarded a DFF-Starting Grant of DKK 6.61 mio. to MIND Centre associated researcher Simon Glerup.

2015.06.30 | Administrative, All groups, All AU units

Qualified hiring freeze to end 1 July

As of 1 July 2015, the hiring freeze in the administration at Aarhus University will be lifted.

Kristian Gotthelf Schmidt Andersen won the Summer Disconnct contest with his advise about relaxing during the summer holiday: 'technology detox'. We reward him the book 'Unplugged' from BSS Books.

2015.06.29 | Collaboration, Alumni, External target group

Alumni Summer Disconnect Competition

Summer is around the corner and Aarhus BSS Alumni went for a fun competition to discover how our alumni will unplug during the holidays. We asked our network to share their best tips on how to disconnect and the winner, Kristian Gotthelf Schmidt Andersen, won a great book from BSS Books about leadership.

2015.07.06 | Events, Students, Health

That was that! It’s all over now. Our time at the School of Dentistry is over

Newly qualified dentist Laura Boe-Hansen gave the graduation speech on behalf of the other 59 graduates from the School of Dentistry at this year's graduation ceremony in the Main Hall on Friday 26 June.

2015.06.26 | Research, PhD students, Dept Clin Epi

Association between splanchnic venous thrombosis and cancer

Researchers from Department of Clinical Epidemiology are the first to show an association between splanchnic venous thrombosis and cancer. In a study of 1,191 patients hospitalized with splanchnic venous thrombosis, they found that 183 were subsequently diagnosed with cancer, which is four times more than expected. The most common types of cancer…

Photo: Colourbox

2015.06.26 | Administrative, Students, All AU units

Remember to check your e-Boks

Soon Aarhus University will no longer send postal mail containing sensitive personal information. From 1 July 2015, the Danish Students' Grants and Loans Scheme Office at AU will send all mail containing sensitive personal information directly to your e-Boks.

[Translate to English:] Foto: Lars Kruse, AU.

2015.06.29 | Policy and strategy, Technical / administrative staff, All AU units

Summer greetings from the university director

Jane Kraglund looks back on her first six months as university director and forward to the opportunities and challenges facing the university’s administration.

2015.06.26 | Administrative, All groups, All AU units

Aarhus University is switching computer suppliers

Experience shows that new suppliers need time to learn how AU does business, so all are encouraged to submit orders for new computers in good time before the start of the new semester in August.

2015.06.26 | PhD defense, Health and disease, Academic staff

PHD-defence: Kristina Pedersen

RNase-L-dependent regulation of coding and non-coding RNAs in response to nutrient and inflammatory/bacterial stress stimuli.

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