2015.09.08 | Administrative, Students, All AU units
In a new campaign, East Jutland Police warn students against buying goods at prices that seem too good to be true. It might be stolen goods.
2015.09.07 | Grants and awards, PhD students, Dept Clin Epi
Post.doc at Department of Clinical Epidemiology Morten Schmidt won one of the Young investigator awards at the European Society of Cardiology Conference 2015, which was held in London late August. The conference is the world’s largest congress on cardiology with more than 30,000 participants. At the conference, Morten presented his study…
2015.09.07 | Academic staff, Department of Clinical Medicine, Health
Research strategy for a Ronkedor
2015.09.07 | PhD defense, Academic staff, Department of Clinical Medicine
The nephrotoxicity of 6% Hydroxyethyl Starch 130/0.4 in surgery.
2015.09.07 | Administrative, Technical / administrative staff, All AU units
There are lots of good reasons to back up the files on your computer on a regular basis. Hard disks and USB flash drives break down more often than you might think, and computer viruses are becoming more and more virulent. So it’s important that you always make sure you’ve backed up your - and the university’s - valuable data.
2015.09.08 | Administrative, Academic staff, Department of Biomedicine
The new press policy at AU Health is intended to ensure clear procedures and a clear division of roles and responsibilities, so that employees know what to do when in contact with the media.
2015.09.03 | PhD defense, Health and disease, Academic staff
CFIN researcher and consultant at the Department of Neuroradiology, Aarhus University Hospital, Anna Tietze is defending her PhD thesis entitled: "Advanced Magnetic Resonance Imaging methods in cerebral glioma patients"
2015.09.03 | Research, Academic staff, IDNC
Professor Rayaz A. Malik, Professor of Medicine, Weill Cornell Medical College (Doha & New York) & Honorary Professor of Medicine, University of Manchester will give a lecture entitled: Corneal Confocal Microscopy: Surrogate end point or false prophet?
2015.09.23 | People news, Public/Media, Department of Public Health
Professor in general medical practice Peter Vedsted from the Department of Public Health, Aarhus University has just been affiliated with the university as a professor at the University Clinic for Innovative Patient Care Pathways at the Regional Hospital Silkeborg. The aim of the professorship is to develop a hospital that is both the hospital of…
2015.09.03 | Policy and strategy, Academic staff, All AU units
About 200 people were gathered at Fuglesangs Allé on Monday at the inaugural reception for Thomas Pallesen, the new dean of Aarhus BSS.