2015.09.28 | PhD defense, Academic staff, Department of Public Health
A qualitative study of stress experience and coping strategies. Explored among people with somatoform disorders in life history and everyday life before and after an intervention with mindfulness therapy.
2015.09.28 | PhD defense, Academic staff, Department of Clinical Medicine
Nimorazol som hypoxiske radiosensensitizer ved strålebehandling af hoved-hals kræft.
2015.09.28 | Events, Public/Media, External target group
Can you compare atoms to bowling balls? PhD student Nils Byg Jørgensen did - and won the researcher battle.
2015.10.21 | Research, Health and disease, Academic staff
DEBATE: A lack of funding and a lack of ministerial understanding of the high costs of the degree programmes is forcing AU and KU to use research grants on training new dentists, write the two deans Allan Flyvbjerg and Ulla Wewer.
2015.09.24 | Events, Students, All AU units
Experience 10 PhD students compete against each other in presenting their research in just three minutes at the Falling Walls Lab at Aarhus University on 6 October 2015.
2015.09.24 | Nature and technology, Research year student, Science and Technology
Professor Ole Jensen, Donders Inst, Nijmegen is visiting Aarhus and will give a guest talk entitled: "On the functional role of human alpha oscillations: routing and prioritizing information processing"
2015.09.24 | Research, Health and disease, Academic staff
For the first time, researchers from Aarhus University, Aarhus University Hospital and the Region of Southern Denmark can now demonstrate an association between level of hospital accreditation and the mortality rate among patients.
2015.09.25 | Administrative, Academic staff, All AU units
Aarhus University has revised its rules concerning cheating at exams.
2015.09.24 | Nature and technology, PhD students, Science and Technology
Join the event in Klubben at BSS on Friday this week 16 o'clock where you can see neuro-scientific videos about recent research regarding the brain and ping pong.
2015.09.24 | Administrative, All groups, All AU units
The new AU-wide platform for digital exams has been tested and evaluated.