2016.12.20 | Grants and awards, Health and disease, Academic staff
Oxford University in collaboration with Professor Marco Capogna from The Department of Biomedicine, Aarhus University, receives EUR 2.5 million from the European Research Council (ERC). The grant will support a research project to investigate the human cerebral cortex.
2016.12.21 | People news, Health and disease, Public/Media
Professor of medical endocrinology, Lars Rejnmark, Department of Clinical Medicine at Aarhus University, conducts research into rare disorders and the calcium metabolism.
2016.12.21 | Administrative, Academic staff, All AU units
Universities Denmark has entered into a new agreement which provides better opportunities for copying material which is protected by copyright. The agreement will enter into force on 1 January 2017.
2016.12.22 | Talent development, PhD students, Graduate School of Health
Increasing demand for courses in research communication, media training and press relations has led to the graduate school expanding its course catalogue. The aim is to prepare the PhD students to communicate their research to a wider audience.
2016.12.15 | Administrative, Department of Biomedicine, Department of Biomedicine
Dear All Please find latest news:
2016.12.15 | Conference, History and achaeology, Academic staff
International conference reflecting on 500 years of European history raising the questions of what the historical event of the reformation means for European societies today and what new reformations the continent requires now.
2016.12.15 | Research, Health and disease, Academic staff
If you are genetically predisposed to rheumatoid arthritis and suffer from severe periodontitis, a specific bacterium in the mouth can increase the risk of developing rheumatoid arthritis. This is shown by a collaboration between biomedical basic research from Aarhus University and American researchers.
2016.12.14 | Conference, Education, learning and philosophy, Academic staff
Hvordan skal styringen af den offentlige sektor se ud i de kommende ti år? Vær med til årets konference, hvor startskuddet går til en ny styringsmodel for den offentlige sektor sammen med landets førende politikere, forskere, embedsmænd, fagforeningsledere og faglige ledere. Vær med til en dag i selvransagelsens tegn, hvor du får oplægsholdernes…
2016.12.14 | Research, Public/Media, External target group
With data from 28,000 single-family houses, researchers have analysed the historical development of our actual energy consumption for heating private houses. They can thereby document a clear effect of energy-saving requirements in the current building regulations.
2016.12.16 | Policy and strategy, All groups, External target group
Supreme Court judge Professor Jens Peter Christensen, LLD, dr. jur., is the new external member of the Aarhus University Board.