Aarhus University Seal / Aarhus Universitets segl


2016.05.30 | PhD defense, Academic staff, Department of Clinical Medicine

PhD defense: Holger Wemmelund

Abdominal Aortic Aneurysms: Pharmacoepideomiological Studies

Lene Odgaard

2016.05.30 | PhD defense, Academic staff, Department of Clinical Medicine

PhD defense: Lene Odgaard

Surviving severe traumatic brain injury in Denmark. Incidence, inpatient rehabilitation, and return to work prognosis

Liesbeth Bieghs

2016.05.30 | PhD defense, Academic staff, Department of Biomedicine

PhD defense: Liesbeth Bieghs

The insulin-like growth factor system in multiple myeloma: exploring diagnostic and therapeutic potential

Phot: Peter Bondo Christensen, AU

2016.05.26 | Policy and strategy, Aarhus University, All AU units

AU will contribute to more informed debate on research and education

At Denmark’s Political Festival on Bornholm this year, AU aims to contribute to a more informed debate on the universities and push research higher up on the political agenda.

The bacterial transporter whose molecular structure has been solved uses the same transport mechanism as the neurotransmitter transporters but instead transports amino acids, such as leucine (Leu). In the outward-oriented state (left) Leu (yellow spheres) binds to two sodium ions (green spheres) in a central binding pocket whereas the rotating unit, designated L25 (beige spheres), is located next to the binding pocket of the transported substance. In the new empty state (right) which the Aarhus researchers have now identified, L25 rotates into the binding pocket where it mimics and compensates for the lacking substance and sodium ions, enabling the transporter to return to an outward-oriented state from which it can start a new transport cycle. Figure: Lina Malinauskaite.

2016.05.27 | Research, Health and disease, Alumni

New discovery from the molecular machinery for depression and addiction

Researchers at Aarhus University have described how a group of the brain’s transport proteins with important roles in depression and dependence overcome the step which limits their effectiveness. The discovery makes it possible to describe the full function of the transport protein and can provide better opportunities for counteracting the effect…

2016.05.27 | Conference, Research, Academic staff

16th World Congress on Pain

The 16th World Congress on Pain takes in Yokohama, Japan 26-30 September 2016. The World Congress provides state-of-the-art learning opportunities on a variety of topics in pain research and treatment.

2016.05.27 | Conference, Research, Academic staff

2nd Congress of the European Academy of Neurology

The 2nd Congress of the European Academy of Neurology (EAN) takes place in Copenhagen 28-31 May 2016.

[Translate to English:] Gymnasielever besøger AU. Foto: Lars Kruse

2016.05.31 | Policy and strategy, Administration (Academic), Public/Media

Fewer tracks at upper secondary level will mean academically stronger students

Rector Brian Bech Nielsen and Pro-rector Berit Eika argue in favour of fewer specialised studies packages in the new upper secondary school reform.

2016.05.26 | People news, All groups, Runsafe

Rasmus Ø. Nielsen interviewed by Danmarks Radio regarding Sports Injuries in Denmark

Rasmus talked about the frequency of injuries among the Danish population, in relation to a recent investigation by Idrættens Analyseinstitut and RUNSAFE.

2016.05.26 | Administrative, All groups, Department of Biomedicine

Newsletter 63 May 2016

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