Aarhus University Seal / Aarhus Universitets segl


[Translate to English:] Mette Kjærgaard Nielsen

2016.03.22 | PhD defense, PhD students, Department of Public Health

PhD defense: Mette Kjærgaard Nielsen

Facing bereavement: Severe pre-loss grief symptoms and factors of complications during caregiving and bereavement in a nationwide caregiver cohort.

Aarhus School of Dentistry at Aarhus University is the seventeenth best in the world.

2016.04.11 | Research, Health and disease, All groups

Aarhus School of Dentistry moves up the university world ranking list

Aarhus School of Dentistry at Aarhus University is the seventeenth best in the world. This is according to the recently published QS World University Ranking international ranking lists. That is an improvement of six places compared to last year.

First announcement

2016.03.22 | Conference, Research, Academic staff


The 26th Annual Meeting of the Diabetic Neuropathy Study Group of the European Association for the Study of Diabetes (EASD) will be held in Bucharest, Romania 9-12 September 2016.

2016.03.11 | Collaboration, Administration (Academic), All groups

Get an overview of further and continuing education courses at AU

A new portal has been created that gathers all of AU’s further and continuing education courses (FE) in one place. The portal functions as a user-friendly gateway to the faculties’ own FE websites. Find the portal here: www.au.dk/en/evu.

2016.03.21 | Academic staff, Degree programmes, AU Research Support and External Relations

Writing Successful Grant Applications (in English)

If you are new in grant writing, you will find advice on how to attack the grant writing process and how to write in a way that meets the expectations of the reviewer.

2016.03.21 | Academic staff, Degree programmes, AU Research Support and External Relations

Writing Successful Grant Applications (in Danish)

If you are new in grant writing, you will find advice on how to attack the grant writing process and how to write in a way that meets the expectations of the reviewer.

2016.03.21 | PhD defense, Health and disease, PhD students

PhD defense: Niels Bjerregård Matthiesen

Congenital Heart Defects and Indices of Fetal and Placental Growth

Photo: Colourbox

2016.03.21 | Administrative, All groups, All AU units

User survey at AU Library

AU Library is conducting a survey of students at Aarhus University to measure the quality of the services that AU Library provides.

The study progress reforms places new demands on Danish universities and their students. Photo: Søren Kjeldgaard

2016.03.21 | Education, All groups, Degree programmes

Clear requirements and guidance to ensure student progress to degree

The study progress reform: Clear requirements and targeted student guidance will ensure that AU maintains the quality of its degree programmes while avoiding the penalty that could cost the university up to DKK 240 million.

Photo: Jesper Rais, Aarhus University

2016.03.18 | Education, Research, All groups

AU wants to create better opportunities for women in research

Too few women choose to become researchers at Aarhus University. Now, Aarhus University will remove the structural and cultural barriers which keep many talented women from choosing a career within research.

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