Aarhus University Seal / Aarhus Universitets segl


2017.12.20 | Research, Health and disease, All groups

Seven Statistical Sins

RUNSAFE and collaborators now present “Seven Statistical Sins when Interpreting Statistics in Sports Injury Science”. This work summarizes seven key-messages from methodology-related editorials published in 2017.

One of the major benefits of EDU IT is its capacity to strengthen research-based teaching. Expanding the digital learning space creates the conditions for more focussed and academically relevant contact between teaching staff and students. PHOTO: Anders Trærup

2018.01.02 | Education, Administration (Academic), All groups


The Aarhus University board of directors has approved a new digitisation initiative aimed at integrating more digital technologies into teaching – also known as Educational IT. DKK 60 million has been allocated to the initiative.

One of the major benefits of EDU IT is its capacity to strengthen research-based teaching. Expanding the digital learning space creates the conditions for more focussed and academically relevant contact between teaching staff and students. PHOTO: Anders Trærup

2018.01.02 | Education, Administration (Academic), All groups


Aarhus University is investing DKK 60 million to promote the digitisation of teaching – known as Educational IT.

2017.12.20 | PhD students, Dept Clin Epi, Dept Clin Epi

Grant from the Independent Research Fund Denmark

Consultant Alma B. Pedersen, DMSc, PhD, from Department of Clinical Epidemiology has received a grant of DKK 103.100 from the Independent Research Fund Denmark for the project ”Risk of infections in hip fracture patients and a comparison cohort from the general population: A Danish nationwide cohort study, 1995-2015”. The grant is from the section…

Photo: Colourbox.dk

2017.12.20 | Administrative, Administration (Academic), All groups

Your parking permit has been extended

If your car is registered in AU’s employee parking system, your parking permit has now been extended to the end of 2020.

2017.12.20 | Conference, Public/Media, External target group

The welfare state: New solutions to old problems?

The welfare state is one of the greatest achievements of Western societies. Yet the welfare state is challenged. The MatchPoints Seminar 2018 brings experts from a variety of different fields together with welfare state practitioners to explore these and related questions.

Complicated rules are confusing AU researchers. Photo: Lars Kruse.
See the table done by AU's Mobility Team (click on the down arrow to see full document).

2017.12.20 | Research, Administration (Academic), All groups

Residency rules confuse international researchers

Quite a few international researchers at AU are concerned by recent news stories about possible legal action against international researchers for giving external lectures. AU Talent Development has made a schematic outlining the basic rules.

Lex Bouter

2017.12.19 | Event, Academic staff, Health

Research Integrity and Reproducibility

Guest talk by professor Lex Bouter, Vrije Universitet Amsterdam.

2017.12.19 | Conference, Public/Media, External target group


Why Big Ideas? Because we sometimes are too obsessed with details. What we need is more ‘big picture thinking’, more theory-building, more cross-disciplinarity, more innovation in practice – in short, new ideas that are bigger and better and that will make us look up.

2017.12.19 | Seminar, Academic staff, All AU units

Research integrity and reproducibility

Guest talk by professor Lex Bouter, Vrije Univesitet Amsterdam. All are welcome.

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