Aarhus University Seal / Aarhus Universitets segl


Professor Grethe Andersen receives the Hanstedgaard Foundation's award for her work on improving treatment for patients with psychiatric dysfunction. Photo: Lars Kruse / AU

2018.01.04 | People news, Public/Media, Health

Apoplexy researcher honoured

Clinical professor Grethe Andersen from Aarhus University and Aarhus University Hospital receives the Hanstedgaard Foundation’s Annual Award of DKK 125,000. The award is made for her contribution to improving the treatment of patients with apoplexy, which is the name of a blood clot in the brain or cerebral haemorrhage.

Schizophrenia is a serious mental illness, but it is also an illness that can be treated. In this context, it is important to be able to monitor the severity of the illness to ensure that the treatment has the desired effect.

2018.01.04 | People news, Public/Media, Health

Grant: Measuring the severity of schizophrenia

Medical doctor and Associate Professor Søren Dinesen Østergaard from Aarhus University and Aarhus University Hospital has just received a grant of DKK 2.6 million from the Independent Research Fund Denmark to test a new method for measuring the severity of schizophrenia.

Junjing Su, photo: Maria Randima Brauer Sørensen

2017.12.14 | PhD defense, Health and disease, Public/Media

PhD defence: Junjing Su

Wave intensity analysis in the pulmonary artery: in patients with pulmonary arterial hypertension and chronic thromboembolic pulmonary hypertension.

Photo: Lars Kruse

2017.12.14 | Administrative, Administration (Academic), All groups

Stand for election as an occupational health and safety representative at AU

The senior management team and the occupational health and safety organisation at Aarhus University urge staff to stand for election as occupational health and safety representatives at the faculties and within the administration. The nomination period has just begun and will continue until 8 January 2018.

2017.12.13 | Conference, History and achaeology, Academic staff

CHAT ACT: Agency, Action and Advocacy

CHAT ACT will focus on the roles, aims and methods of historical and contemporary archaeology in an increasingly polarised contemporary.

2017.12.13 | Grants and awards, Academic staff, Dept Clin Epi

Large grant from the Novo Nordisk Foundation

Grant for project on hip fracture and stroke.

[Translate to English:] Foto: Colourbox

2017.12.13 | Administrative, Administration (Academic), Technical / administrative staff

Budget 2018-2021: Positive development with room for important investments

Aarhus University’s financial situation is fundamentally sound, and despite continued challenges on the revenue side, there is still room to pursue strategic goals.

A new PhD project under the leadership of Ulrik Dalgas will conduct research into physical training as part of the treatment of patients with multiple sclerosis.

2017.12.14 | Grants and awards, Health and disease, PhD students

New grant provides support for sclerosis research in Aarhus

Associate professor Ulrik Dalgas and PhD student Morten Riemenschneider from Aarhus University are heading a new study that is being co-financed by a grant of DKK 500,000 from the Augustinus Foundation. The study will investigate the effects of physical training as an early treatment strategy for patients with multiple sclerosis.

Department Head Klavs Madsen asked the participants to take a bird’s-eye perspective when discussing the vision and strategy for the public health science degree programmes at the department's vision workshop. Photo: Sabina Bjerre Hansen

2017.12.14 | Education, Administration (Academic), PhD students

VIDEO: Public health's degree programmes have great potential

More elderly people, more expensive medicine, many people suffering from multimorbidity and demands for increased efficiency will increasingly challenge the healthcare sector. How graduates from public health science and its degree programmes can navigate in this future situation was the focal point for the department’s vision workshop.

2017.12.12 | Collaboration, Research, All groups

Bill Gates met with researchers from Aarhus University

Researchers from Aarhus University recently had the opportunity to discuss the perspective for increasing the use of symbiotic nitrogen fixation in sustainable agriculture with Bill Gates and his staff during the Grand Challenges Conference at the Queen Elisabeth II Centre in London.

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