2018.06.13 | Conference, Language and communication, Academic staff
In Etc. we intend to find space for all of the above-mentioned areas of study, and for the transformative possibilities that may arise from communication and exchange between them.
2018.06.13 | Conference, History and achaeology, Academic staff
The objective of the conference is to highlight recent developments in scientific approaches in archaeology, with a particular (albeit not exclusive) focus on northern Europe
2018.06.12 | Conference, People and cultures, Academic staff
A broad range of China expertise will initiate multi-disciplinary dialogues on the nature of China’s emergence as a global power and its implications for Denmark, taking into consideration business opportunities, cultural encounters and political challenges.
2018.06.12 | Research, Health and disease, Academic staff
VIDEO: The faculty management team is intensifying its efforts in the fight for external research funding. This means that all applications from DKK 100,000 and above must now be entered in ReAP, the faculty's system for the registration of applications for funding. The goals are an overview of search patterns and to provide better help for those…
2018.06.14 | Research, Academic staff, Health
An engineer and a pain and muscle researcher pooled their knowledge to create a product that helps bruxism (teeth grinding) and provides a restful night's sleep.
2018.06.12 | Research, All groups, Neurocampus
Neuroscience School of Advanced Studies (NSAS) is hosting an advanced course on Functional Neurogenetics and Genomics in Isola di San Servolo, Venice, Italy.
2018.06.12 | Event, Research, All groups
Medical Innovation Day is an annual event, which brings together medical companies and students studying any discipline with relation to medicine, health and healthcare.
2018.06.27 | Administrative, Administration (Academic), Academic staff
How should you communicate your health science research to laymen without compromising on scientific integrity, and do you actually get to approve your quotes before the newspaper goes to print? Get the answers and become a better communicator on Health's media training course in August – your last chance to take this course in 2018.
2018.05.31 | Talent development, Academic staff, Graduate School of Health
Two years ago, Health established a new award targeting junior research talents. Trine Hyrup Mogensen was the first to receive the award named after Nobel Prize winner Jens Christian Skou. Last year Simon Glerup received the award. Now it is time to nominate candidates for this year's award.
2018.06.11 | Events, Research year student, Dept Clin Epi
We are excited to kick off our 5th annual pharmacoepidemiology summer school in Grenaa, Denmark today with 29 participants from Denmark, Norway, Sweden, Germany, Spain, Finland, and France.