Aarhus University Seal / Aarhus Universitets segl


2018.05.28 | Seminar, Public/Media, External target group

Seminar / PhD course Master Class: Intercultural competences for language and translation

Guest professor: David Katan (University of Salento)

The Novo Nordisk Foundation has awarded DKK 1.6 million towards research into the effective treatment of patients with complex medical histories. Photo: AU.

2018.05.29 | Grants and awards, Research, Public/Media

Grant towards better treatment of patients with multimorbidity in general practice

The Novo Nordisk Foundation has awarded DKK 1.6 million towards research into the effective treatment of patients with complex medical histories. The recipient is medical doctor and postdoc Anders Prior from the Department of Public Health.

2018.05.25 | Conference, Research, Academic staff

AIAS Symposium: Cutting Edge Technologies for Neurobiology

The Brain is one of the most complex and amazing organs in our body. It essentially controls everything that we perceive and all of our actions. An understanding of molecular to circuit-level mechanisms of brain functions, including perception, cognition and consciousness in health and disease, is one of the most challenging subjects of basic…

2018.05.25 | Conference, Research, Academic staff

11th FENS Forum of Neuroscience

The FENS Forum 2018 is organized by FENS and hosted by the German Society for Neuroscience in Berlin on 7-11 July.

2018.05.25 | Grants and awards, Research, Academic staff

Andrea Moreno granted DKK 2.1 million by Lundbeck Foundation to investigate the neural basis of forgetting and synaptic depression

The title of the 3-year project is: "Targeting forgetting and memory erasure using optogenetic, behavioural, electrophysiological and pharmacological approaches. A basic and translational study"

2018.05.25 | People news, Research, Academic staff

Majbritt is a new Laboratory Technician in Anders Nykjær’s group per May 16th

Majbritt will take over many of Anja’s tasks while she is on maternity leave. Also Majbritt will be working together with postdoc Alena Salasova on her project, investigating the function of SorCS2 during embryogenesis with a particular focus on development of midbrain dopaminergic neurons. Majbritt has an education as a technician and a master in…

2018.05.25 | PhD defense, Public/Media, Department of Clinical Medicine

PhD defence: Sofie Eg Jørgensen

Studies on Primary Immunodeficiencies - Genetic susceptibility to severe influenza and NEMO branch-point mutation as a novel genetic mechanism of EDA-ID

Associate Professor Henrik Kjærulf Jensen from the Department of Clinical Medicine has received DKK five million from the Novo Nordisk Foundation. Photo: Tommy Foghmar

2018.05.29 | Grants and awards, Research, Public/Media

DKK five million towards research into the prevention of hereditary heart disease

Associate Professor Henrik Kjærulf Jensen from the Department of Clinical Medicine has received DKK five million from the Novo Nordisk Foundation towards research into the prevention of sudden death caused by hereditary heart disease.

Schematic view of non-invasive brain stimulation using TES or TMS. Recording electrodes from the high cervical cord at epidural level and from hand muscles are also schematically illustrated.

2018.05.25 | Research, Research, Academic staff

New publication from Marco Capogna in The Neuroscientist

"Non-invasive stimulation of the human brain: Activation of multiple cortical circuits"

Henrik A. Kolstad was in the WHO working group because of our register-based research, which is unique throughout the world, and where the most recent styrene study shows the risk of acute myeloid leukaemia, a rare form of leukemia, is doubled.

2018.05.25 | Research, Health and disease, Public/Media

After 40 years in limbo: Styrene is probably carcinogenic

With register-based research from Aarhus University providing new human evidence, WHO has determined that styrene which is found in some plastic products is 'probably' carcinogenic for humans. The decision cements the value of the unique Danish registers, says professor of occupational medicine Henrik Kolstad.

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